Once a poem is assigned, it will be posted on this page so you can study whenever and wherever you are!
Grading Criteria
Introduction (worth 10 points) - Students will state an introduction that includes:
*Greeting and their name
*Name of poem and author
Knowledge (worth 75 points) - Each word must be said in the correct order.
Volume/Voice (worth 5 points) - We have discussed Presentation Voice. This means that every person in the room should be able to hear the speaker. Rate of delivery is also assessed - if student speeds through the poem, points will be deducted.
Eye Contact / Posture (worth 5 points) - Students will need to make eye contact with their audience (no staring at the floor or ceiling) and stand tall (no slouching, no hands in pockets, no rocking back and forth) while speaking.
Listens (worth 5 points) - Students will receive 5 points unless they are being disruptive during another student's performance. After each student recites, I will let them know something they should work on for next time. If they take my advice and show progress in their next performance, they will continue to receive the full 5 points.
Final Grade ______________________ Out of 100 points possible
Introduction (worth 10 points) - Students will state an introduction that includes:
*Greeting and their name
*Name of poem and author
Knowledge (worth 75 points) - Each word must be said in the correct order.
Volume/Voice (worth 5 points) - We have discussed Presentation Voice. This means that every person in the room should be able to hear the speaker. Rate of delivery is also assessed - if student speeds through the poem, points will be deducted.
Eye Contact / Posture (worth 5 points) - Students will need to make eye contact with their audience (no staring at the floor or ceiling) and stand tall (no slouching, no hands in pockets, no rocking back and forth) while speaking.
Listens (worth 5 points) - Students will receive 5 points unless they are being disruptive during another student's performance. After each student recites, I will let them know something they should work on for next time. If they take my advice and show progress in their next performance, they will continue to receive the full 5 points.
Final Grade ______________________ Out of 100 points possible